The brilliant engineer who develops the software, Ren Katasu, is a power woman of Brictus star with superhuman power. He hid his identity and protected the peace of the earth. One day, a power woman is attacked by a Bortex monster. Although he was a power woman in the state of Tengu, he struggled with Boltex's monsters. He managed to win, but suffered from a team attack by Boltex and the monsters who attacked him continuously, and was even sexually attacked by Boltex. He escapes, but encounters another enemy, Zox Caesar, and is captured. He tried to escape from Zox's Ajito, but failed and was sexually blamed by Zox, and became a triumphant with Voltez who joined hands. After being used for food to attract Super Lady, she was pressed as a sex treatment pet and sold. [BAD END]